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Add:North 5th Road, Xinyuan, Xin'an Avenue, Ludong Industrial Zone, Humen Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
Tel:+86-769-8623 4738
Fax:+86-769-8555 6166

After-sale service
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1. 24-hour completion system: strive to complete service orders within 24 hours, respond at any time within 24 hours, and respond and monitor information within 24 hours;

2. "One ticket to the end" system: who takes over each service order first, then the person who takes over the whole process of the order is responsible for tracking and implementing until the processing is completed;

3. Fifteen minute response system: reply within fifteen minutes after receiving a call from a customer;

4. Four-level supervision mechanism: implementation of customer on-site signature supervision, marketing representative visit supervision, headquarters dispatching center telephone return visit supervision, and "mystery customer" dispatch supervision;

5. Six-level response system;

6. Double supervision system: implement the double supervision system of the company's high-level supervision and the supervision of the head office's department leaders;

7. Three-level guarantee system: the headquarters warehouse, the regional center warehouse, and the secondary warehouse.

Service culture

Service philosophy: everything for customers and create customer value

Service objectives: exceed customer expectations and industry standards

Service specification: 3 zero movement - zero defect, zero distance, zero complaint

Service slogan: quality changes the world, service creates value

Address: North 5th Road, Xinyuan, Xin'an Avenue, East Industrial Zone, Humen Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
Tel:+86-769-8623 4738(八線) Business line:+86-769-8555 6166 Fax:+86-769-855 57566 E-mail:sales@jingtie.cc

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